Only Paving Sealer with a Guarantee
Industry Recognised Paving Solutions
Paving Sealer Leaders in Europe
30 Years, 100 Million Square Meters

Sealing Technique

As the world’s favourite paving sealer, we’re experienced in offering quality sealant to customers looking for an aesthetically pleasing patio. Lionel Coulson – Director of Sealing Technique, has over 15 years of experience in the sealing industry and works closely alongside Resiblock, installing sealant to driveways and patios. In 2016, this Sealed Concrete Block Patio was awarded the winning title of Resiblock’s Best Patio.

The Issue

Whenever we encounter an issue with a patio, we think it’s important to research the root cause to ensure that future prevention is secured. One of the main subjects of concern that Lionel experienced when working on this particular patio was the destabilisation of sand joints and severe weed growth. These factors are vital to fix and improve, as it could impact the aesthetic look and manual practicality of the entire patio.

Our Solution

After detecting issues which were causing the patio to become destabilised, Lionel began working on the patio. He used Resiblock ‘22’ which is a specialist pre-polymer urethane sand stabiliser. It guarantees long-term effectiveness and supports the sand joints to prevent paver destabilisation through heavy-duty use.

The Result

The Resiblock ‘22’ is one of our most effective and popular products that we sell and install. After being professionally laid and applied by Sealing Technique, it gives a natural, matt finish which directly correlates with the desired aesthetic appearance that each customer looks for. We thrive off customer satisfaction and work towards their preferences for ultimate fulfilment.

Client Feedback

Once applying our Resiblock ‘22’ product to the patio, we were overjoyed to hear back from the client with some delightful feedback which was much appreciated by both the Resiblock and Sealing Technique teams.

“The Paving expert wasn’t lying when he said Resiblock ’22’ is ‘Legendary’, he’s right It’s bloody brilliant!”

A Big Thanks to Sealing Technique

After the sealing work was complete, and had been professionally installed, Resiblocks Managing Director – Paul Lamparter said:

“As one of our most long-standing Resiblock Registered Contractors, it’s great to see Lionel doing great work. We felt this was another fine piece of work from Lionel and his men which ultimately, shows why he has been a Resiblock Registered Contactor offering installation of concrete sealant for well over 15 years.”

  • Case Study
  • Project name: Sealing Technique
  • Client: Sealing Technique
  • Paver type: Cobbled Concrete Blocks
  • Product/s: Resiblock '22'
  • Date: September 2016