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Preston Marina Roundabouts

The Site

‘Where the City meets the Sea’ is the slogan of Preston Marina, but in 1981, after 89 years of commercial operation, the Port of Preston (the original function of the Marina) closed. This left Preston with the question of what to do with a 40-acre basin of water just outside of the town centre. It did not take long before the idea of redeveloping the docklands area into a leisure/retail and residential centre emerged, with a marina at its heart.


Installed and opened as part of the Marina development, the roundabouts that connect Mariners Way with the main road at Waters Lane have been subjected to vast amounts of weathering since 1989. This has led to failure of the joints and in turn the destabilisation of the roundabouts block paving. With blocks falling into the road and causing road safety problems, Preston City Council determined a solution was required to prevent the refurbished paving.


With paving refurbished, Preston City Council approached Resiblock looking to utilise their expert knowledge in finding a sealing solution that would prevent weed growth on the roundabout, as well as protecting the new pointing. With the client also looking to keep the visual aspect of the roundabouts the same, Resiblock specified Resiblock Resiecco. Resiblock Resiecco has been used at sites across the UK to seal, stabilise and protect paving, and having seen its previous long-term success Preston City Council instructed their Highways Team to utilise the product.


Stabilisation of the sand filled joint notwithstanding cleaning regimes and trafficking whilst imparting the following additional benefits:

  • Prevents jointing sand loss from cleaning regimes & heavy footfall
  • Significantly reduces staining by food and drink
  • Virtually eliminates residual staining by chewing gum oils
  • Inhibits the growth of weeds and grass in joints
  • Environmentally friendly – solvent free
  • Case Study
  • Project name: Preston Marina Roundabouts
  • Client: Preston City Council
  • Contractor: Council Highways Department
  • Site: Mariners Way, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston
  • Project: Preston Marina Roundabouts
  • Area: Marina Roundoabouts - circa 834m²
  • Paver type: Concrete Block Paving
  • Product/s: Resiblock Resiecco
  • Date: November 2019
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