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McDonalds Scotland

The Site

Across the winter of 2020 and into the New Year of 2021 a trio of new McDonalds stores were established across Scotland. The sites, in Falkirk, Glasgow and Stirling were built with the COVID era Drive Thru culture in mind, as all three sites benefitted from dual lane drive-thru’s. All based close to supermarkets, the stores are expected to create more than 250 jobs across the three sites.

The Challenge

With Fast Food restaurants unable to operate with an eat in option, McDonalds anticipated that the extra volume of vehicular traffic would lead to increased tension on the paving of their drive-thru’s. This added weight would lead to loss of jointing material and ultimately paver destabilisation, and with 3 sites recently built, prevention of revenue lost through inoperable assets was a key aim for the client.

The Solution

McDonalds and Contractors Lynx Construction needed only to look to their past projects for the answer, as the two had previously sought advice from Resiblock when attempting to prevent the same issues occurring in East Belfast, Northern Ireland. Upon revisiting that site, Resiblock ‘22’ had shown in the years since its application its ability to stabilise jointing sand even under the weight of large volumes of vehicular traffic, ensuring the paving has remained protected.

Resiblock ‘22’ comes with the added benefit of stain protection, which was vital for the client in their aim of protecting the paving from food, drink and potential oil spills.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • One pack material
  • Easy application
  • Prevents sand erosion from paver joint
  • Prevents the ingress of water and fuel                                                   infiltration to the sand laying course
  • Maintains structural stability under heavy duty trafficking
  • Elastomeric bond works in tandem with paver system
  • Case Study
  • Project name: McDonalds Scotland
  • Client: McDoanlds
  • Contractor: Lynx Construction
  • Site: McDonalds - Flakirk, Glasgow & Stirling
  • Project: McDonalds Scotland
  • Area: 1,600m²
  • Paver type: Marshall Keyblock 200m x 100mm
  • Product/s: Resiblock '22'
  • Date: February 2021
  • Download PDF