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30 Years, 100 Million Square Meters

Littlehampton Town Centre

The Site

Based in the heart of Littlehampton, the town centre is undergoing immense regeneration which will result in astounding changes to the appearance of the area, leading to a more attractive and appealing landscape, whilst introducing a more open appearance, and to entice both residents and visitors to enjoy visiting this area. This site consists of 5,919.48m² that stretches from the north of High Street to west of Beach Road. The scheme has seen £6 million of improvements carried out in a bid to attract private sector investment, as well as transforming the area to become a place everyone would want to visit creating an atmosphere that would rejuvenate the area completely.


As a regenerated public area, which hopes to see an increase in the amounts of footfall traffic, it is expected that without the use of a sealer, these pavers will be susceptible to problems such as staining, due to the area containing many food and drink outlets, and paving failure, due to jointing loss from the heavy footfall. This leads to the area appearing unclean as if it’s not being maintained, and if paving failure does occur, accidents could happen, and the public’s safety could be at risk.


As a highly pedestrianised area our product Resiblock Resiecco was specified as it is the most durable yet environmentally friendly, commercially graded sealer in the Resiblock Commercial Range, it is of the highest quality and brings the most appeal to a site like this. Resiblock Resiecco will provide joint stabilisation, and overall paver protection to the variety of pavers across the town centre. Resiblock Resiecco achieved success at sites such as Colchester High Street, Winchester City Centre and Havelock Square, Swindon where similar concerns were raised, leading the Town Council to specify the use of Resiblock Sealers.  The similar sites are basically any in the same product folder that are on similar environments, so in this case any town centres, city centres, public realm schemes, town regenerations.


Stabilisation of the joint notwithstanding cleaning regimes and trafficking whilst imparting the following additional benefits:

  • Prevents jointing loss from cleaning regimes & heavy footfall
  • Significantly reduces staining by food and drink
  • Virtually eliminates residual staining by chewing gum oils
  • Inhibits the growth of weeds and grass in joints
  • Environmentally friendly – solvent free
  • Case Study
  • Project name: Littlehampton Town Centre
  • Client: Littlehampton Town Council
  • Contractor: Ed Burton Contractors
  • Site: Littlehampton Town Centre
  • Project: Littlehampton Town Centre Public Realm
  • Area: 5,919.48m²
  • Paver type: Mixed Pavers
  • Product/s: Resiblock Resiecco
  • Date: July 2022
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