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Colchester High Street

The Site

Colchester High Street is the oldest high street in Britain. The Romans built a road here nearly 2,000 years ago, the main street in the heart of their new city, or colonia, in the decades after they invaded Britain in AD43 and captured the Ancient British stronghold of Camulodunum which they made the first capital of Roman Britain


Following the Installation of new broadband upgrades, paving improvements were planned by Essex County Council and Colchester Borough Council. Both Council’s key specification were to ensure that the new pavers were ‘futureproof’, with protection against large volumes of footfall traffic the top of the list. Protection against food and drink staining had been recently highlighted to the client following the ‘Eat out to Help Out’ scheme.


Essex County Council only needed to look a short way down the A12 for their solution. Resiblock have manufactured and supplied sealing solutions for High Streets since 1992 with Resiblock Resiecco often being the sealer of specification on High Street Projects. Contractors Henderson & Taylor had the benefit of product knowledge having used Resiblock during the Maidstone Public Realm Scheme.


Stabilisation of the joint notwithstanding cleaning regimes and trafficking whilst imparting the following additional benefits:

  • Prevents jointing loss from cleaning regimes & heavy footfall
  • Significantly reduces staining by food and drink
  • Virtually eliminates residual staining by chewing gum oils
  • Inhibits the growth of weeds and grass in joints
  • Environmentally friendly – solvent free
  • Case Study
  • Project name: Colchester High Street
  • Client: Essex County Council
  • Contractor: Henderson & Taylor
  • Site: Colchester High Street, Essex
  • Project: Colchester High Street Improvements
  • Area: 5,300m²
  • Paver type: Marshall Scoutmoor Yorkstone Slabs
  • Product/s: Resiblock Resiecco
  • Date: September 2020
  • Download PDF